Sunday, August 2, 2015

What I Got For $51

I LOVE checking out a good estate auction.  I especially LOVE a good box lot auction!  Some of my most favorite vintage things have come out of the bottom of a cardboard box.  Some times I even find a treasure in my box that will pay for my whole auction bill and then some! 

I went to an auction recently that had 350 miscellaneously stuffed boxes!  I usually give myself a budget to stay in and once I hit it, I stop bidding.  Giving myself a budget really helps me focus only on bidding on things I really want and not just ALL the cool vintage stuff!  My budget this time was $50 and as you have read by my title, I overspent by $1!  But I'll forgive myself for that dollar because I brought my own water and snack to the auction!  So lets see what I got for $51!

I bought one box full of old games for $2.   I really, really wanted the Simon Game!  When I was a kid I wanted one of these games sooooo bad (I think I was attracted to the colors!) but never got one, until now! It's never to late people!

old games


I spent $12 on a box full of all kinds of stuff!  I bought it for the small patio umbrellas with the clamps on them.  There were three total.  It also had a picnic jug, window screens, artwork of cats with big eyes, a Griswold grinder, Victorian utensils, 5 Mattel children records, a box of nails and a plant hanger! 


The umbrella that made me buy a $12 box lot!  Love those colors! I so think that $12 was worth it for that fabulous umbrella.


I bought a box of glass and china things for $1.  It had the Anchor Hocking striped pitcher in it.  I found the new old stock Anchor Hocking drinking glasses in the house on a table to be sold individually.   The glasses were my big spend of the day.  I really wanted to keep the set together so, I bought the glasses for $35....ouch there goes my budget!


And the last thing I bought was a box of textiles for $1!  It also had towels in it that I plan on donating to a local animal shelter. 


If you've been paying attention, you might be wondering what I bought with my other $1 in the $51 I spent.  Well the first thing I bought was a 1950's portable grille that I don't have a picture of!  So there ya go, everything I bought for $51. 

There was a few things there that I wish I would have had the money or the need to buy, but I just couldn't justify the purchase at this point in my life.  One of them was this very cool western child's toy box/hassock. Sweet huh?!


Yeeehaw!  Oh well, easy come, easy go!!

See ya soon,

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Just Minty


What's a girl to do when she comes for a weekend visit to the country cottage to find her fabulous boyfriend has painted the garage doors atomic minty green???

betsy jumping

Well if you're MaryDeluxe, you do a jump for joy!  Yay for atomic minty green and a fella who loves a bit of color in his life! Now that I'm looking at this picture, I'm so not impressed with how high I was able to jump...I swear in my head I was 6 feet off the ground but apparently reality is a cruel bitch because I'm more like 6 inches off the ground!  Actually, I'm not jumping at all...I'm levitating!


I also spent some time Sunday helping the Fab-Fella lay out the walking path.   Yes boys and girls, MaryDeluxe got stoned! Don't judge!

betsy sitting on safari

Atomic minty green doors and a turquoise 1955 Pontiac Safari is a great back drop for a silly girl to do some silly posing!   What, me silly? PPPlease silly is my middle name. 


The Fab-Fella also added some rebar  legs to "Pinky" the vintage cement lawn flamingo we found at auction.  It's rare to find vintage lawn ornaments that haven't gotten broken over the years and with their original paint too!  Sorry bun wearing hipster guy, it just wasn't your vintage cement lawn flamingo day.  Sorry not sorry!


Here I am showing off my awesome summertime farmer tan.  Perhaps the  Fab-Fella and I can put some projects aside for one weekend and spend some time down at the sea shore?  A girl can dream can't she!


P.S. Messy hair don't care!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summertime and the Livin is Easy....

If you've been a long time reader, you are already very aware of how much I love Summertime!  LOVE IT!!!! I garden...that's what I do.  I've been spending lots of my free time at my fella's place in the country that I playfully refer to as "my place in the country"!  I get tired of being in the "big city" all the time and I often escape to my place in the country!  LOVE IT!  He usually just smiles and looks at me adoringly.  What can I say, I'm a bit sassy and he loves it! 


~Homegrown Blueberry and Zucchini Muffins~
These were so good that I ate to many of em and made myself sick...after being so good with the Whole30 my system was like WTF did you just do.  Lesson learned.

~Vintage Fruit Salad Cotton Sundress~
I've had this dress for like ever and thanks to my healthy new lifestyle over the last 6 months, I'm wearing it again with room to spare.  Just in time for Summer!

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I have high hopes for this 1957 Liberty trailer.  But for now the front porch is a shady spot to lounge when I'm at my country home on the weekends.  I see a Trailer Tramps Clubhouse in my future.  Anyone wanna be in my Trailer Tramps Gang? 


What can I say....I love color and vintage Ray-Ban sunnies! 


A vintage hammock score made by my honey.  I lounged, he worked! Perfect!


The vintage bungalow front porch got spiffy this Summer.  I found the glider and chair at an auction this Spring and just had to have it for the country house!  


On the other side of the front porch you can find the 1930's porch swing I picked up on a junkyard outing I went on with the fella.  He was looking for car parts, I wasn't even looking but I can spot good junk anywhere....I said hello front porch and he said awesome!  He picked out the paint color, I painted it and he hung it up.  The perfect team!

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The country house cottage got new cedar shingles this Summer and new flower beds!


I also scored big at my favorite local greenhouse's parking lot sale!


~Country house succulents~


Lots of good music has been listened to this Summer when I visit the cottage!  I have now added looking for old records at flea markets and thrift shops to my list of things I keep an eye out for.

Lots more Summer fun yet to come!
See ya soon!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Life is Good....

I'm still here and life is good...
I'm back to being me!  Actually I'm the new improved version of me.  I'm like the bionic woman of sorts....stronger, wiser, happier, healthier...ya know just better!  
 I'm not going to question how the universe works.  It gives bad things and it gives truly amazing things.  I have learned a valuable lesson: do not allow crappy people into your life, ever.  Damaged people cause damage!!! Avoid them at all costs!


 This fella here is quite amazing.  Thank you universe for allowing our paths to cross again after so many years of our paths not crossing.  Pretty cool stuff here universe. 



We also have a new of many projects!  Her name is Cookie..she will live again, I have no doubt about it.   Beep Beep!  One of the many fine qualities my fella has...he likes projects and just like me, he likes to save old stuff..because old stuff, has always been way cooler than new stuff. 


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Random Vintage Eye Candy!!!

Happy New Year DeluxeVille Readers! 
Thought I'd end January with some fun eye candy of what I've been up to.  At the end of January it will be officially a year since I've been living back at DeluxeVille...and to be honest with you, it feels like I've never left some days!  In fact, it amazes me how much difference a year can make in your life.  Thank you Universe for all the soul healing things you have sent my way this past year. 

I have recently painted the back of some of my kitchen cabinets and rearranged some of my fun dish wares!  I removed the cabinet doors because I really like seeing my pretty things!  Cabinet doors are so overrated!!

I dislike Winter but I accept the fact that I live in a state that has one!  So to make life better, you should always have at least one or two fun vintage coats that you get to wear!

I love my bright little kitchen on a sunny Winter afternoon! 
Nothing makes me happier on a sunny afternoon then hanging out in the kitchen drinking a cuppa hot tea and listening to some good tunes...
 "Depleating" some vintage pleated curtains I've been carrying around with me for years what to do with all the awesome atomic fabric? 
...while I "depleat" a vintage atomic pleated set of curtains I've been carrying around for eons.   Now I have to decide what I'm gonna do with them.

Look, more vintage yummy dish wares that deserve to be seen!

And just so you don't think that all I've been doing is decorating DeluxeVille these last few months, I haven't been.  As I wrote previously, I met a really extremely awesome fella who I've been enjoying gettin to know.   I've never met a fella who has more vintage crap than I do.  I'm the perfect vintage junk loving sidekick for him and he's drama free, which is the perfect sidekick for me!  (See, there the Universe goes again giving me soul healing experiences when I wasn't looking.) We spend a lot of time eating fish sticks and french fries together and listening to old country records.

Saturday night date night!

I'm sure I'll be sharing more about my favorite fella and our adventures after Winter passes and we decide to stop hibernating!  So stay tuned, lots more random vintage eye candy coming your way!
